Tourmaline worth 400 thousand rubles was found by customs officers in a postal shipment

Employees of the customs post of Koltsovo Airport (postal) found tourmaline weighing 10.32 carats in a parcel sent from Tyumen to Switzerland.
In the documents, the faceted blue stone was designated as «accessory» worth one dollar. The expertise conducted by customs officers established that it was a tourmaline «Paraiba», the price of which exceeds 400 thousand rubles. This semi-precious stone is included in the list of strategically important resources and is subject to mandatory declaration when moving across the customs border.
Tyumen customs officers initiated a case on administrative offense under part 1 of article 16.2 of the Administrative Offenses Code of the Russian Federation (non-declaration of goods).
The court decided to confiscate the subject of the offense.
Maria Zakirova, Press Secretary of the Tyumen Customs Service