Smuggling to China is strategically important resources worth about 2 million rubles have prevented the far Eastern operative customs

Smuggling to China is strategically important resources worth about 2 million rubles have prevented the far Eastern operative customs

Illegal export to China of the Kamchatka crab and far Eastern trepang value of 1.76 million rubles was stopped by the staff of the far Eastern operative customs and the Department of the FSB of Russia for the Primorye territory.

The PRC planned to take 383 kg of fresh and cooked cream of crab (273 individuals) and more than 43 kg of sea cucumber (cooked and dried) by speed boat under the cover of night, passing border and customs control.

Illegal movement of a citizen of China, planned for sale in China, as the crab and sea cucumber are in great demand in China.

However, prepared the crime was foiled. At the time of loading the goods on the boat, a Chinese smuggler was arrested and taken into custody. Against him far Eastern operational customs initiated a criminal case under part 3 of article 30 and part 1 of article 226.1 of the Criminal code of the RF (smuggling of strategically important resources in the large size). The sanction of this article prescribes punishment in the form of deprivation of liberty for a term up to seven years and a fine of up to one million rubles.



The crab is one of the largest crustaceans in the Far East, is a valuable target species, the predominant habitat is located in the territorial waters of Russia, in the North Pacific ocean and Okhotsk sea. The meat of the crab, refers to the delicacies all over the world, widely used in Eastern cuisine.

Far Eastern sea cucumber – species of echinoderms from the class of sea cucumbers distributed in the waters of Japan and Okhotsk seas, widely used in Eastern medicine and cuisine and is in great demand in Japan, China and Korea, is a strategically important resource.

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