More than 977 billion rubles transferred by Vladivostok Customs to the state budget in 2023
More than 977 billion rubles transferred by Vladivostok Customs to the state budget in 2023
Published: February 8, 2024 09:03
977.6 billion rubles of customs and other payments were transferred to the federal budget by Vladivostok Customs in 2023, exceeding the planned value by 27 billion rubles. compared to last year, the amount of transfers increased by 38%
In 2023, cargo turnover in the region of Vladivostok Customs increased by 8.7%, mainly due to container transportation. The number of container ship calls increased by 40% and amounted to 2 688 container ships (in 2022 – 1 914). As a result, the 400,000 imported containers barrier was overcome for the first time. In 2023, customs officers processed 441,200 imported containers, which is 16.3% more than last year’s figure (379,400)
According to Oleg Anufriev, head of Vladivostok customs, foreign economic activity was conducted with 117 countries. These are mainly the countries of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation. Export-import operations were carried out by 23 thousand participants of foreign economic activity – by 3.7% less than last year. However, the activity of large importers increased, their share in the total volume of payments to the federal budget amounted to 19% – 183.6 billion rubles