In Nakhodka customs has changed the terms of the Declaration of vehicles

In Nakhodka customs has changed the terms of the Declaration of vehicles

July 2, 2020, excise and other Excise goods are declared for the specialized customs post of the Central excise customs (the electronic Declaration Center).

In Nakhodka customs this applies to vehicles and self-propelled machines, which issued passports of vehicles (PTS), passport self-propelled machines (PSM) and passports of chassis of vehicles (PSTS).

The innovation concerns only legal entities and individual entrepreneurs. For individuals, nothing has changed.

The competence of Nakhodka customs remain the operations connected with the temporary storage, holding the actual control, and the results of PTS, and PSM PSTS.


Help. The competence of customs authorities in respect of excise and other specific types of goods reglementary the order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation from 18.02.2020 No. 27н “About competence of customs authorities for the Commission of certain customs operations and specific functions in relation to the goods”.



Natalia Sabadash, the press Secretary of the Nakhodka customs,

phone(4236) 663-590