UTU conducts webinar on “Application of algorithm of auto-registration and autopause at the opening of the customs procedure of customs transit: major bugs and problems”

UTU conducts webinar on “Application of algorithm of auto-registration and autopause at the opening of the customs procedure of customs transit: major bugs and problems”

Date of the webinar 26.06.2020

The Ural customs Directorate 26 June 2020 at 14:00 (12:00 GMT) is holding a webinar for participants of foreign economic activities on “the Application of the algorithm of auto-registration and autopause at the opening of the customs procedure of customs transit: major bugs and problems””.

We invite You to take part in the event.

To connect to the webinar from their personal computer, click on the link https://www.freeconferencecall.com/ru/ruselect “Online meeting” – “Join conference”. When you request an ID online meeting type: utu-webinar

To connect to the webinar from your mobile device download the app Free Conference Call, connect to the webinar (Join a Meeting). When you request an ID online meeting, enter the Meeting ID Online: utu-webinar