Webinar FCS of Russia: on the Declaration of excise and other types of goods
Webinar FCS of Russia: on the Declaration of excisable and other goods
June 29, 2020 at 11.00 am live on the page of the FCS of Russia in Facebook will be hosting a webinar on the topic “About declaring of excisable and certain other types of goods in terms of concentration of customs operations in the center for electronic Declaration (Cade)”.
In connection with the entry into force on 2 July 2020 order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia from 18 Feb 2020 No. 27н “About competence of customs authorities for the Commission of certain customs operations and specific functions in relation to the goods” changes the order of customs operations in respect of excise and other specific types of goods, including goods for which issued (issued) passports of vehicles, passports of chassis of vehicles and passports of self-propelled vehicles.
During the webinar, the experts of the FCS of Russia will tell about the peculiarities of the customs Declaration of these goods in the framework of concentration of customs operations in Zadeh.
The questions on this topic can be sent in advance by filling out the form.