Nearly 1.4 million rubles of damage to owners of famous trademarks have prevented the Kamchatka customs in the 1st half of 2020
382 counterfeit goods labeled known trademarks, identified the Kamchatka customs officers when undertaking joint activities with the employees of UMVD of Russia on the Kamchatka edge in the 1st half of 2020. The total economic damage to copyright holders amounted to 1.4 million rubles.
Counterfeit goods have been identified in the outlets of the Kamchatka region. From retail stores were seized dolls, toy animals, marked trademarks of “L. O. L. SURPRISE!” and “POOPSIE” (298 pieces), as well as handbags and purses “CHANEL” (84 PCs.).
Agreement on the use of these trademarks on goods sold from sellers was absent, as well as the documents on the possession, sale, import to the territory of the Russian Federation.
Customs examination has established that the goods do not correspond to the original production companies on a number of grounds: made from low quality materials; have a pungent chemical smell, with no original labelling and proper packaging and labels.
The right holders of the trademarks “L. O. L. SURPRISE!”, “POOPSIE”, “CHANEL” estimated they caused material damage in the amount of 1.34 million.
In 2020, the Kamchatka customs plans to continue interagency cooperation with the Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia on the Kamchatka edge. Collaborative activities will focus on detection, suppression and prevention of crimes connected with illegal entry into circulation and sale on the domestic market of counterfeit products. It is planned to expand the range of goods that may be at risk of infringement of intellectual property rights.
Tatiana Lesina, a spokesman of the Kamchatka customs
phone: 8 (4152)218-919.