Pskov customs: on the necessity of eliminating errors in the submission of electronic transit declarations
One of the main conditions for reducing the incidence of failure in the automatic registration of electronic transit declarations (ETD) is the fields of ETD in strict accordance with the requirements established by the Commission Decision of the Customs Union of 18 June 2010 № 289 “On the form and procedure for filling the transit Declaration. Compliance with the declarants of the requirements for completing the ETD will significantly simplify and accelerate the process of customs operations related to registration of ETD.
Check the ETD in the automatic mode is carried out in all customs bodies with competence for the performance of customs operations involving the placement of goods under the customs procedure of customs transit, regardless of mode of transport.
How to avoid mistakes that can prevent a successful auto-registration and automated issue of the transit Declaration at the customs procedure of customs transit?
One of the main problems in the application of this technology is accomplished in the shortest time of customs operations for customs Declaration of goods placed under the customs procedure of customs transit in electronic form. Automatic registration of ECD is the first step to automatic release, – has explained the chief of Department of control over customs transit service of the customs control organization of the Pskov customs Olga Cogline. – The main advantage of this technology is the reduction of time of registration of the ETD. The average time of automatic registration of one ETD is less than one minute. The current legislation for the registration of ECD is given 1 hour.
The most frequent errors that impede the implementation of automatic registration of ETD are:
– the placement of the documents specified in column 44 of ETD in the electronic archive of the declarant and not in ETD document identifier in the electronic archive of the declarant;
– violation of the procedure for filling the transit Declaration, in particular, incorrect indication in graphs 6 and 31 ETD information about the number/type of packages, including for the carriage of goods by nasyp, bulk, bulk;
– incorrect entry of information on means of transport (box 18 ETD) and the failure information about the code of the currency (columns 22 and 42 ETD);
– use when filling in ETD out-of-date reference books of normative-reference information (for example, the classifier of countries of the world);
– note 44 and 50 graphs of ETD documents, the validity of which has expired at the time of filing etc.;
– failure (incorrect application) in ETD against Russian entities (sender, recipient, carrier, declarant (principal)) information about the details of a person (INN, KPP, OGRN) or the omission of one of them;
incomplete (incorrect) submission to the ETD information about the details (INN, KPP, OGRN) of the customs representative.
Olga Zoglin noted that in the region of Pskov customs for 5 months of this year, traders filed 55,5 thousand transit declarations electronically. The test criteria for compliance with the terms of automatic registration were successfully registered in automatic mode 6.3 thousand transit declarations, accounting for 11.4% of the entire array, of which 67% was accounted for ETD on the rail.
Natalia Knyazeva,
press Secretary of the Pskov customs