For the repair of a vessel abroad must pay customs duties
For the repair of a vessel abroad must pay customs duties
Almost 28 million rubles of customs payments have to pay the company, concealing the fact of repair of a vessel abroad. Now the shipowner will pay to the budget of customs payments significantly in excess of the repair work – the cost of the vessel.
As explained by the head of division of regional monitoring service of the customs control after release of goods the far Eastern customs administration Anna Curly, from 1 January 2018 with re-import to the territory of the Eurasian economic Union transport means of transport after repairs abroad, they must be placed under the customs procedure of release for domestic consumption. The fees of the repair operations. In the event of default of this requirement, the customs payments shall be the basis, not the cost of repairs and the cost of the ship itself, as illegal movement of goods (section 3 of article 277 of the customs code of the EAEU).
The far Eastern customs administration for the 2017-2019 years, there has been advocacy with ship owners – participants of foreign economic activities in the public events Advisory Board, as well as the preparation of responses to received from associations-treatment.
Despite the undertaken preventive work and action of norms of the Customs code of the EAEU, the customs authorities still face violations of customs legislation from the side of the ship owning company.
Another such case revealed the Vladivostok customs in 2020 as a result of customs inspections. The amount of payable customs payments, calculated from the value of the transferred vessel, amounted to 28 million rubles. A similar fact was revealed in 2019, then the payments amounted to RUB 15 million.
Far Eastern customs administration drew attention: obligation to report reliable information about the goods, to pay in full customs payments rests with participants of foreign economic activity. The implementation of this obligation will avoid customs inspection of goods subsequent to release and the additional financial burden on business.
Department of public relations DVTU,
phone: (423) 230-82-78