25 billion listed custom Ural Federal budget
25 billion listed custom Ural Federal budget
In may 2020, the amount of Federal budget revenues administered by the customs of the Urals, is 4.6 billion roubles.
In the structure of the collected payments for five months, 80% accounted for VAT 19.8 billion rubles. Import duties in the Urals has increased the amount transferred to the Federal budget, an additional 4.5 billion rubles. Customs fees, excise taxes, and payment of utilization fee in the amount of amounted to half a billion rubles. Compared to previous months, decreased the amount of customs duties paid by individuals, in may it did not exceed a quarter of a million (in the previous periods was about two).
“Business activity of the business during the period of epidemic prevention measures decreased slightly. Only for April and may, the participants of foreign economic activity carried out 35 thousand international transfers and paid them more than 10 billion rubles of customs duties and taxes,” – said the first Deputy head of Ural customs administration Alexei Frolov.
The share of administered Ural electronic customs payments exceeded 92%, that is 23 billion within the customs actual control the maximum amount in the Federal budget last month moved ekaterinburgskaya tamozhnya – 56 million rubles.
Department of public relations UTU