119 years of the Vladivostok customs is the guardian of Russia’s economic security
119 years of education marks the Vladivostok customs may 23, 2020. Today Vladivostok customs is the largest customs of Russia. From the beginning of 2020 her more than 4.3 million tons of cargo and transferred to the budget more than 108 billion rubles.
Over the last 10 years the Vladivostok customs has issued more than 60 million tons of cargo worth more than 116 billion U.S. dollars, transferred to the budget of Russia more than 1.4 trillion rubles, opened more than 20 thousand Affairs about administrative offences and more than 150 criminal cases.
As the chief of the Vladivostok customs Oleg Anufriev, Vladivostok customs – one of the first customs offices in Russia, which was created by the Center for electronic Declaration (EDC). With the launch of CEDA (since 2011), they feature 1.5 million returns. Vladivostok CED prepares all cargo arriving in the far East by sea. In less than five months 2020 CED has issued more than 95 thousand customs declarations for goods. Now the Declaration array Vladivostok CEDA is more than 92% of the total Maritime cargo. Plans to reach 100%.
Leading trading partners in the region activities of the Vladivostok customs were China, the Republic of Korea and Japan. Among the imported goods is dominated by mechanical, electrical machines and equipment, vehicles and parts thereof, articles made of ferrous metals. We export mainly fresh, chilled and frozen products of fishing, wood and wood products, ferrous metals and their scrap.
Background: the Vladivostok customs office was established may 23, 1901, by Decree of the Russian Emperor Nicholas II with the regular number of customs officials 9 and 11 domotronika. Now serving more than 900 people.
The Vladivostok customs is the largest customs of Russia (along with Novorossiysk and the Baltic customs) and is a fully functional (performs all customs operations, starting with the arrival, placement on the temporary storage of goods to electronic Declaration with the holding of actual control).
Part of the Vladivostok customs includes 7 customs offices: seaport Vladivostok, may day, the Vladivostok Airport, Postal, Zarubino, Slavyanka and Vladivostok customs office (CED).
Asya Gentle,
press Secretary of the Vladivostok customs,
8 (423) 2498191, 89644315202