Irkutsk customs office revealed violations in the import of health products from the Republic of Belarus
In order to avoid any offenses in mutual trade with the countries of the Eurasian economic Union (EEU), the Irkutsk customs informs entrepreneurs about the necessity of compulsory provision based on the decree of the RF Government statistical forms of the account of movement of any goods (as for export and import), including medical supplies. Members of the EEU on par with Russia are Belarus, Kazakhstan, Armenia and Kyrgyzstan.
So, the Irkutsk customs in respect of the Irkutsk organization and its leader, filed 2 cases on administrative offences (under part 1 of article 19.7.13 administrative code) for violation of the terms of statistical forms of the account of movement of goods for the import of medical equipment (operating table) of the Republic of Belarus.
Failure to submit or untimely submission to customs authorities of statistical forms of the account of movement of goods, as well as the submission of false information is punishable by an administrative fine in the amount from 20 to 50 thousand rubles. The penalty for re-committing the same offence – from 50 to 100 thousand rubles. The legislation also stipulates that persons engaged in entrepreneurial activities without forming a legal person, bear administrative responsibility as legal entities.
For the period of 2019, and in 2020 within the framework of mutual trade with member States of the EAEU import and export of medical supplies (disinfectants, latex gloves, antiseptics, raw materials for production of medical preparations, reagents for tests, medical equipment, etc.) carried out 23 organizations registered with the tax authorities in Irkutsk region. 12 organizations participated in export operations, 11 import.
The Irkutsk customs for violation of the terms of statistical forms for the export of goods of medical purpose in 2019 was filed 10 cases on administrative offences (up) against 3 institutions in the current year – 2 cases of AP.
Since the beginning of 2020 in the region of Irkutsk customs, there were more than 1200 statistical forms of the account of movement of goods in mutual trade with EAEU countries (89% of them using electronic signature).
For violation of terms of providing of statistical reports and the provision of false information in the current year the Irkutsk customs office opened 62 cases of AP.
On filling of the statistical forms of the account of movement of goods in mutual trade with EAEU countries we recommend you contact the Department of customs statistics of the Irkutsk customs for the phone: 8(3952) 261553; 8(3952) 261518.
To ensure continuity of foreign economic activity in conditions of application of measures aimed at combating the spread of novel coronavirus infection in the Russian Federation, specialists of the Irkutsk customs are also ready to explain to the participants of foreign economic activity practical application of the legislation – the telephone call center of Irkutsk customs – 8 (3952) 26-15-69.