11 million rubles were illegally trying to move the passengers in the Urals
11 million rubles were illegally trying to move the passengers in the Urals
Since the beginning of the year, the Ural customs officers have recorded 12 cases of illegal movement of currency for total amount of 11 million rubles (previous year of such cases was 7).
On six occasions, passengers took more than $ 10,000 in Tajikistan, two in Azerbaijan, one time in the Czech Republic, Turkey and Israel. To bring in cash without declaring, and the limit is tried from the Czech Republic and Azerbaijan.
The a large amount with the beginning of the year (2.2 million rubles) moved resident of Azerbaijan. The man sold in Yekaterinburg real estate and returned home, but forgot to submit the customs Declaration in the floating cash.
In the past year in all the airports of the Urals passengers filed 576 passenger customs declarations and legally moved more than 22 million US dollars. 04 February 2020 with the written Declaration of cash more than 100 thousand U.S. dollars, equivalent to the customs will ask to submit the documents confirming the origin of cash.
Help: individuals can move any amount in any currency, but must declare in writing (on a mandatory written Declaration exempt amount of up to 10 000 USD in equivalent). However, the breach of the requirements of the international passengers very often entails administrative and criminal liability, which occurs in the case of twofold excess is allowed to move amounts of cash.
The press service of the Ural customs administration