The Yaroslavl customs drew attention to the need to comply with the order of presentation of the statistical forms

Customs reminds organizations and entrepreneurs of the Yaroslavl and Kostroma regions, leading or planning mutual trade with the countries-participants of EurAsEC, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Armenia and Kyrgyzstan, of the need to provide to customs authorities of statistical forms of the account of movement of goods. Duty of persons to provide statistical forms set out in article 278 of the Federal law of 3 August No. 289-FZ.

The statistical form should be created in the Personal Cabinet of the participant of foreign trade activities on the official website of the Federal customs service ( in the section “statistical Declaration”, which also posted detailed instructions for participants in mutual trade on the procedure of filling and registration of the statistical forms, the deadlines for their submission to the customs authorities.

While you have the option to submit statistical forms only in electronic form and on paper. However, in the near future, preparing amendments to the Government Resolution providing for the submission of statistical forms of the account of movement of goods to the customs authority only in the form of electronic document certified by a reinforced qualified electronic signature (ES). After the entry into force of the amendments submission of statistical forms to the customs authority on paper would be impossible. Information about obtaining a certificate of electronic signature key and a list of trusted certification authorities issuing key certificates of electronic signature, published on the website of the Departmental certification authority of the customs bodies in the section “instructions for the issuance of certificates of keys of electronic signature”.

Becoming increasingly important the number of participants in mutual trade in the region, who appreciated the advantages provided by the use of EP in the formation and registration of the statistical forms. The share of electronic statistical forms in total number of submitted statistical forms increased from 36% in 2017 to 77% for the first 5 months of the current year.

This technology saves time and resources reduces the risk of a breach of Decree of the Government of the deadlines for the submission of statistical forms, which is considered as an administrative offence. Liability for such an offence, or for failure to submit statistical forms or for giving them false information, provided for in article 19.7.13 of the administrative code of Russia. Especially strictly punished cases of repeated violations, the penalties can exceed 50 thousand roubles for each offence. For 5 months of 2020 the Yaroslavl customs brought 200 administrative cases in this category, assessed administrative fines in the amount of 1 million 170 thousand roubles.

On issues related to the execution of the duties of the submission of statistical forms, interested persons may apply to the Department of customs statistics of the Yaroslavl customs by phone (4852)79-76-58.

Phillip Kushnarev,

press Secretary of the Yaroslavl customs