Southern customs Department, seized more than 14 kg of narcotic drugs and potent substances
Southern customs Department, seized more than 14 kg of narcotic drugs and potent substances
In the first half of 2020 units to combat drug smuggling customs UTAH revealed 64 facts (1st half of 2019 – 33 fact) illegal movement across the customs border of narcotic drugs and potent substances. According to the facts by the customs authorities only initiated 34 criminal cases (1st half of 2019 – 29). Withdrawn from illegal circulation: 1.01 kg of narcotic drugs (H1 2019 – 455,6263 gr.) and 13.3 kilograms of potent substances (1st half of 2019, and 11.2 kg).
Shipment by international mail has become one of the most “popular” ways of smuggling. For hiding drugs in MPO offenders used documents, sheets of paper, and a portable speaker. Identified road crossings controlled substances detainees tried to hide mostly among the personal belongings.
For the first six months of 2020 the growth performance of divisions on struggle against contraband of drugs customs of the region. The number of detections of the facts of movement of controlled substances in the 1st half of 2020 has increased by 48% compared to the same period of 2019, the number of criminal cases – 15%. Increased the weight of seized controlled substances: drugs – 45%, strong chemicals – 14%. Most of the facts of movement of controlled substances identified Rostov (12 cases), Crimea (10 facts) and Novorossiysk (9) customs.
The press service of the southern customs Directorate