Siberian customs officers assessed that the budget of more than $ 436 million rubles

Siberian customs officers assessed that the budget of more than $ 436 million rubles

In the 1st half of 2020 units of the customs control after release of goods of the Siberian customs Directorate (STU) as a result of verification activities assessed in the Russian budget of over $ 436 million rubles.
Secured positive dynamics of the economic component of customs inspections compared to the same period last year. The number of verification activities decreased from 226 to 195, the amount of additional accruals increased from 390 to 436 million rubles.
The main directions of the verification activities was to control the reliability in the Declaration of information about products, prevention of import to the territory of Russia “sanctions” products, as well as control over the circulation of goods on the domestic market of the Russian Federation.
For example, officials of the customs control after release of goods of STU in the framework of verification activities in one of the outlets of Novosibirsk had detected a batch of illegal fur Italian production, worth about 20 million rubles.
15 fur products (coats from fur of a sable, chinchilla, mink) lacked the necessary control (identification) signs (KIZ). According to the current legislation “articles of apparel, clothing accessories and other articles of fur” are subject to marking by applying the KEYS, so the storage, transportation, purchase and realization (sale) of these products in the territories of the member States of the Eurasian economic Union (EAEU) without the appropriate markings is prohibited.
In addition, further inspection showed that these coats are not passed customs clearance and, consequently, on the territory of the EAEU was imported illegally. The owner of the goods has exercised its right to implement voluntary customs Declaration, payment of customs payments in the amount of about 3.5 million rubles, and also provided the application of each product signs the KEYS. At the moment all furs returned to the owner.
Reference: STU recalls that from 1 July 2020, a mandatory labeling of medicines, footwear and tobacco products. This measure was another step in implementation of the Russian system of digital marking and traceability of products aimed at improving the control over product quality and reduction in the amount of counterfeit goods. Rules of labeling of drugs approved by Resolutions of the RF Government dated 14.12.2018 No. 1556 No. 1557, shoes – according to the Decree of the RF Government dated 05.07.2019 No. 860, tobacco products – Government Decree of the Russian Federation from 28.02.2019 N 224.
In 2020 will also become mandatory labeling of spirits, cameras, tires, and 2021 – a separate light industrial goods. Detailed information is available on the official website of the FCS of Russia in section “Labelling of goods”

Department of public relations of STU