More than 9 million rubles collected in the budget for the post-control of the Magadan customs for the 1st half of 2020

More than 9 million rubles collected in the budget for the post-control of the Magadan customs for the 1st half of 2020

9.2 million rubles were collected and transferred to the Federal budget of the Magadan customs results of customs control after release of goods for the 1st half of 2020. There were 8 cameral customs checks, confirming the infliction of the participants of foreign economic activity of the economic damage to the state.

Among the revealed violations – late payment of the utilization fee for mining equipment in the amount of 3.7 million rubles; provision of false information when you re-import into the territory of the Russian ships after repairs abroad, which resulted in the understatement of amounts of assessed customs duties 7.1 million rubles, as well as unreliable information contained on the classification of goods (drilling tool).

According the results of cameral customs checks Magadan customs has opened 20 cases about administrative offences (12 cases under part 1 of article 16.2 of the administrative code – failure to declare, 8 cases under part 3 of article 16.15 of the administrative code – failure to submit to the customs authority reporting).

Elena Chotowa, press Secretary of the Magadan customs
phone 8 (4132) 638 559