UTU conducts webinar on “Ensuring the completeness and correctness of filling in the boxes ETD in accordance with the requirements of the Decision of the Customs Union Commission of 18.06.2010 No. 289”
UTU conducts webinar on “Ensuring the completeness and correctness of filling in the boxes ETD in accordance with the requirements of the Decision of the Customs Union Commission of 18.06.2010 No. 289”
Date of the webinar 30.07.2020
Ural customs administration July 30, 2020 at 14:00 (12:00 GMT) is holding a webinar for participants of foreign trade activities on the theme “ensuring the completeness and correctness of filling in the boxes ETD in accordance with the requirements of the Decision of the Customs Union Commission of 18.06.2010 No. 289”.
We invite You to take part in the event.
To connect to the webinar from their personal computer, click on the link https://www.freeconferencecall.com/ru/ruselect “Online meeting” – “Join conference”. When you request an ID online meeting type: utu-webinar
To connect to the webinar from your mobile device download the app Free Conference Call, connect to the webinar (Join a Meeting). When you request an ID online meeting, enter the Meeting ID Online: utu-webinar
Department of public relations UTU