Smolensk customs officers have detained numismatist Belarusian collection of coins
21 coin of the 30 turned out to be a cultural value, and their total market value amounted to more than one million rubles. On the fact of attempted smuggling of cultural values of the Smolensk customs office opened a criminal case.
Citizen of the Republic of Belarus, which tried to illegally export from Russia 30 coins, Smolensk customs officers detained late one night at the end of last year in the area of the settlement Kruglova rudnyansky district of Smolensk region. During the inspection the customs officers found in the car and seized 30 coins of different years of release (from 1705 until 1986) transported without accompanying documents authorizing the export or temporary export from the Russian Federation of cultural values. According to the citizen, the coins he had acquired in Moscow and tried to bring them to Belarus.
Seized coins sent for examination. At the conclusion of the expert on cultural values of the Ministry of culture of the Russian Federation of 21 of the 30 coins are authentic and represent the cultural and historical value. Among them there are both copper, gold and silver. One of them minted more than 300 years ago, and five have age more than 200 years. Their total market value amounted to according to experts 1198700 rubles.
According to the letter of the Ministry of culture of the Russian Federation it is established that this citizen for execution (permits) for export (temporary export) of the Russian Federation of cultural values at Ministry of culture of the Russian Federation and its territorial bodies is not addressed. Thus, an attempt on the smuggling of cultural values in the large size.
– Smolensk customs brought criminal case on signs of the crime provided by part 3 of article 30 – part 1 of article 226.1 of the criminal code, – the chief of Department of inquiry of the Smolensk customs Kirill Artamonov.
He noted that sanctions of this article provide punishment in the form of imprisonment for a term of three to seven years with a fine in the amount up to one million rubles or the salary or other income condemned for the period till five years or without such and with restriction of liberty for a term up to one year or without such.
Currently, the customs investigators carried out urgent investigative actions, after which the material will be transferred by jurisdiction to the law enforcement agencies to conduct a preliminary investigation. The fate of the coins and of the responsibility of a smuggler will be determined by the court.
Vladimir Safonov,
press Secretary of the Smolensk customs