More than 2.4 billion rubles of customs payments transferred to the Federal budget of the Khabarovsk customs in the first half of 2020
2.4 billion transferred to the state budget of the Khabarovsk customs in the first half of 2020. This 4.4 billion less than in the first 6 months of 2019.
The decrease in transfers of customs payments to the budget primarily due to the decline of trade flow in the region of the import and export component.
1.1 billion roubles of customs payments for export of goods. In the first half of 2020, the main exports were wood, metals, food products and agricultural raw materials. The largest trading partners in export operations in 2020 were China, Philippines, Republic of Korea, Japan, Germany, USA, Taiwan and France.
For imported goods transferred to the budget 1.3 billion rubles, including import duty, VAT, recycling fee and customs duties. Among the major goods imports chemical products, metals and products from them machines, equipment, food products and agricultural raw materials. Trading partners in import operations were China, Germany, USA, Republic of Korea, Canada, France and the United Kingdom, Taiwan.
Export-import transactions in 2020 have made 721 participant of foreign economic activity, which is 9.1% less than in 2019.
Compared to the same period last year, a decrease of turnover in exports by 34.8% and imports by 93.9 %.
Foreign trade turnover the exports decreased by 45.4%, import decreased 71.8 %.
Continue work on identification of offenses in the customs sphere. For the 1st half of 2020 Khabarovsk customs officers have opened 20 criminal cases. The main subjects of the crime are: avoidance of tax payments, timber, potent substances. In addition, in relation to traders, and individuals opened 331 case of administrative offences. The main subjects of offences are: consumer goods and timber, and identified violations of the currency legislation.
Svetlana Bekisheva,
press Secretary of the Khabarovsk customs
t. (42 12) 411 438