In the CTS opened an art exhibition of Alexander Chagadaev
In the Central customs Directorate opened an exhibition of a member of the Moscow Union of artists Alexander Chagadaev. On display are the battle scenes of the Patriotic war of 1812 and the great Patriotic war, landscapes and portraits, as well as working sketches to large thematic paintings.
– I am pleased today to open the third art exhibition in the walls of CTS. – said the head of the Department Sergey Rybkin, will not be mistaken if I say that the CTS is becoming a popular venue for both beginners and professional painters. Begins a good tradition: to familiarize customs officers with interesting people. It is symbolic that in the year when we celebrate the 75th anniversary of the Victory, a significant part is represented in this exhibition of paintings dedicated to the military deeds of our ancestors. I am sure that this work will contribute to the Patriotic education of customs officers, increase the sense of responsibility for assigned work and pride in the history of their country. I wish You, Alexander Sergeyevich, further creative successes, interesting ideas and outstanding work. Let your paintings always resonate in the hearts of grateful audience!
In addition to customs officials at the opening ceremony was attended by friends and relatives of the artist, colleagues and veterans of the customs service. Everyone could share their impressions from the event and tell their personal story connected with the work of Alexander.
Each artist, test pilot, hero of Russia Marat Alykov noted that he believes to be a painter of battle pieces, you need to know the weapons and tactics of warfare, and know and love their history. All these Alexander possesses in full measure.
Veteran of the customs service, Nikolay Lyutov, with paintings which began the tradition of holding art exhibitions in the CTS, said that he was particularly touched in the exposition of the landscapes. “Some felt Esenin notes” – said Nikolai. – “In these works subtly conveys the atmosphere of the Central Russian landscape”.
Artist Chegodaev – devotee of classical art school, which makes his pictures clear and close to any viewer. It brings the audience a sense of what is beautiful and good artistic taste. It was noted in speeches by his colleagues-artists, critics and art historians.
The Museum “Borodinskoe field” art historian Nadezhda Shvedova admitted that with Chagaevym their long-term friendship, based on love for the history of his country and especially reverent attitude to Borodino. That is natural: Alexander comes from an ancient family Chagadaev and his ancestors participated in the battle of Borodino. The artist’s works are included in the structure of the Museum and are widely used in exhibition activity of “Borodino field”. She noted meticulously, with whom Alexander works with historical sources in preparation for working on an artistic canvas.
Alexander had a small tour around the exposition for S. Rybkin. The artist said Sergey Valentinovich about the history of some of the paintings. They also shared their impressions of the places depicted in works Tsagadaeva, in which you have been both of old Moscow courtyards, pools and riffles on the Oka, Borodino and Prokhorovka field.
A gift of the Central customs Office Alexander Chagadaev left one of his landscapes. According to Sergey Rybkin this work will find its worthy place in the Museum of the Federal customs service.