In Blagoveshchensk resumes the checkpoint Blagoveshchensk – Heihe truck market
In Blagoveshchensk resumes the checkpoint Blagoveshchensk – Heihe truck market
20 may 2020 in connection with the opening of the summer navigation resumes the checkpoint Blagoveshchensk – Heihe in part cargo direction. The decision was taken by the Government of the Amur region and the Government of the city of Heihe (PRC).
As the chief of the Blagoveshchensk customs Mikhail Sorokin, customs control, taking into account events on the non-proliferation of novel coronavirus infection provides for customs operations with the goods which will be arriving only in containers. Clearance of containers and river transport vehicles will be carried out without the output of crew on the Russian customs territory.
Normal operation cargo destinations in the navigation period: daily from 08:00 to 21:00.
Ivan Drachev,
a press-the Secretary of the Blagoveshchensk customs,
8 (4162) 236279