Authorized economic operator? Skip the lines!
In the area of the Ural customs administration operates three companies that have the status of authorized economic operator (AEO), two companies applying for inclusion in register AEO. It gives the right to enjoy the privileges of special simplifications, which cover the entire process of customs clearance of goods from import until the release for free circulation.
One of the special simplifications granted to AEO – Commission as a priority of the customs operations related to arrival and departure of goods into the customs territory of the EAEU, the customs Declaration and release of goods.
In the Ural electronic customs conducted an analysis of the terms of customs Declaration and release of goods customs applicants, recipients or senders which are authorized economic operators. The analysis showed that if the total average time of production of exported goods is 2 hours and 51 minutes, for the AEO – 2 hours 03 minutes. The difference in terms of clearance of imported goods even more – 9 hours 46 minutes for ordinary applicants and 3 hours 33 minutes – for authorized economic operators.
In places of moving of goods across the customs border, if there is a technical and infrastructural opportunity for the organization of a priority order of transactions determined by the officials of the customs authority, and road crossings are separate lanes for AEO.
In addition, since the entry into force of the certificate on inclusion in the register of authorized economic operator belongs to the category of low risk level. That is gets the advantage in a more gentle mode, in the application of measures to minimize the risks. And even in the case of appointment of customs examination or customs inspection in respect of goods of the operator, the control will hold as a priority.
Another simplification that can ease the conduct of business authorized economic operator. He can declare the goods for release in accordance with certain customs procedures (see infographic) before filing a Declaration without payment of import customs duties, taxes and without payment of special, antidumping, countervailing duties. It actually gives interest-free installments: products go into circulation, and the payment of AEO makes when submitting the Declaration of goods before the 15th day of the following month.
Press-service UTU / таможенные брокеры спб