100 grams of potent substances seized Kamchatka customs
100 grams of potent substances seized Kamchatka customs
International parcel with powder that contains a potent substance pregabalin 100,55 weighing grams, was detained by Kamchatka customs. Package came from China to the address of the resident of the Kamchatka region.
During the inspection of the contents of the parcel, the customs officers found a package with powdery substance of white color. Examination showed that the powder comes with a limited turnover in the Russian Federation, a potent substance pregabalin.
The recipient of the parcel ordered powder Chinese wholesale factory via the Internet for personal use. The offender knew that the sale and smuggling (illegal import in the Russian Federation) pregabalin criminal liability, however, ordered the drug.
In respect of the offender Kamchatka customs has opened a criminal case under part 1 of article 2261 the criminal code – contraband of potent substances.
The sanction of this article prescribes punishment in the form of imprisonment for the term from three till seven years with a fine in the amount up to one million rubles or the salary or other income condemned for the period till five years or without such and with restriction of liberty for a term up to one year or without such.
Pregabalin is included in the List of potent substances for the purposes of article 234 and other articles of the Criminal code of the Russian Federation approved by the Decree of the RF Government of 29.12.2007 No. 964.
(Photo, video)
Tatiana Lesina, a spokesman of the Kamchatka customs
phone: 8 (4152)218-919