Working meeting with representative of the Federal customs service of Russia in the Republic of Abkhazia

Working meeting with representative of the Federal customs service of Russia in the Republic of Abkhazia

In Sochi, discussed the issues of customs cooperation.

Tuesday, June 23, 2020, was held a working meeting of the Sochi customs with the newly appointed representative of the customs service of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Abkhazia Konstantin R. Kozlov.

The participants of the meeting discussed the main directions of interaction with the representation of customs service of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Abkhazia. During the meeting were discussed a range of issues.

Special attention was paid to violations of the conditions of temporary importation by non-resident individuals of the Russian Federation of vehicles of international transportation into the customs territory of the EAEU, the repayment of debt on customs payments if the term of temporary importation, to prevent and suppress other violations of the customs legislation.

There was an increase in the number of offences involving tobacco products. Work on identification and suppression of illegal moving through customs border of tobacco products by officials of the Sochi customs is conducted on an ongoing basis.

Also reviewed measures to improve customs clearance and customs control of goods and vehicles crossing the Russian-Abkhaz border.

Following the meeting the prospects for cooperation and key challenges of implementation of joint constructive work.