Tula customs: on confirmation of origin of goods
Tula customs draws the attention of participants of foreign trade activities, the customs Declaration the origin of goods is confirmed in all cases when application of measures of customs-tariff regulation, prohibitions and restrictions, measures to protect the domestic market depends on the origin of goods (paragraph 1 of article 29 of the Customs code of the Eurasian economic Union).
In order to confirm the non-preferential origin of goods is possible to use a Declaration of origin or certificate of origin.
Declaration of origin is a commercial or any other document relating to the goods and contain information about the origin of the goods declared by the manufacturer, seller or sender in the country of origin or country of export of the goods (article 30 of the Customs code of the Eurasian economic Union). For example, invoice, CMR, bill of lading, packing list etc.
Certificate of origin – a document proving the origin of goods and issued by the competent authority or authorized organization of the country of origin or, in certain cases, the country of exportation of the goods.
The origin of the goods when the customs Declaration at import on customs territory of the Eurasian economic Union must be documented by a Declaration of origin or at the request of the declarant, certificate of origin, except in two cases:
1) in case of revealing of signs that stated in the Declaration of origin information is inaccurate, the customs authority may reasonably request a certificate of origin of goods;
2) the importation of goods similar to those in respect of which the Eurasian economic Union measures to protect the domestic market, due to the origin of the goods (special protective, antidumping and compensatory measures).
In accordance with paragraph 25 of the Decision of Council of Eurasian economic Commission No. 49 dated July 13, 2018 “On approval of Rules of determination of origin of goods imported into the customs territory of the Eurasian economic Union (non-preferential rules of origin of goods)”, in the case of application of measures of domestic market protection provided by the Agreement on the Eurasian economic Union of 29 may 2014, due to the origin of similar goods imported into the customs territory of the Union in the address of one recipient from one sender under one transport (carriage) document, and the total customs value of which exceeds the equivalent of 150 US dollars evidenced by a certificate of origin (except in the case of confirmation of compliance with applicable measures to protect the domestic market).
Submitted for customs Declaration certificate of origin is not regarded as a document of origin in the following cases:
1) the results of the carried out customs control revealed the inaccuracy of the information contained in this certificate of origin of goods;
2) by results of the carried out customs control revealed that the certificate of origin is not authentic or that the certificate does not match the requirements;
3) the competent authority of a third country does not provide an answer to the query about the authentication of the certificate within the prescribed period or the response does not allow to prove the origin of goods.
Phone for inquiries: 8 (4872) 36-96-38 Department commodity classification, origin of goods and trade restrictions Tula customs.
Svetlana Begunova,
press Secretary of the Tula customs