The stretch of road from settlement Buron to Northern Portal of the Roki tunnel open
The stretch of road from settlement Buron to Northern Portal of the Roki tunnel open
17:30, 8 February 2020, in connection with the ability to ensure the safe passage of motor vehicles, the Commission on emergency situations and ensuring fire safety of the Government of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania from 08.02.2020 No. 16-kchs allowed movement of all types of motor vehicles at the site of the settlement of Buron – Northern Portal of the Roki tunnel in both directions until further notice.
For information on the functioning of the Georgian Military highway you must contact the Main Department of EMERCOM of Russia on RSO Alania. Contact details of GU of EMERCOM of Russia in RNO-Alania:
RSO-Alaniya, Vladikavkaz, street international, 1, index 362040;
phone reception and press service: 8 (8672) 70-00-01, plus 0570, 70-75-78, 70-76-96; number “Telephone hotline”: 8 (8672) 25-84-32
official site on the Internet
Department of public relations ctvuu