A final meeting on the results of the activities of the customs authority in 2023 was held in the North Ossetian Customs
A final meeting on the results of the activities of the customs authority in 2023 was held in the North Ossetian Customs. The meeting was attended by the head of the North Caucasus Customs Directorate Albert Mavlikov, head of the North Ossetian Customs Nikolai Dzugaev, Vladikavkaz transport prosecutor Alexei Shcherbakov
Reporters of the North Ossetian Customs reported on the results of the work of the North Ossetian Customs – the first deputy head of the customs Georgy Tsegoev, deputy head of the customs on law enforcement block Aslan Tsorayev, deputy head of the customs on work with personnel Vladimir Gateev and deputy head of the customs – head of the service of customs control after release of goods Aslan Gusov
In the reporting period, the North Ossetian Customs continued to work in the status of customs of actual control. In this regard, one of the directions of customs activity was to improve customs control when placing goods under the customs procedure of customs transit and at the end of this procedure
So, in 2023, more than 200 thousand operations related to the placement of goods under the customs transit procedure, which is 20% more than in 2022. More than 96,000 shipments were completed under the customs transit procedure, which is 16.55% more than in the same period last year. 74% of declarations were executed electronically
An important task for the North Ossetian Customs is to ensure the receipt of money to the state budget. Over the past year, more than 1 billion rubles were transferred to the federal budget
North Ossetian Customs successfully carries out law enforcement activities. Thus, in 2023 customs officers initiated 49 criminal cases, which exceeds the figure of 2022 by 13 cases or 36%. In the past year, 3729 cases of administrative offenses were initiated, which is 158 cases or 4.42% more than in the previous year
In the initiated cases on administrative offenses, penalties were imposed in the amount of more than 94 million rubles, which exceeds the figure of 2022 by 118%.
In the course of enforcement of decisions on administrative offenses, penalties were imposed in the amount of more than 94 million rubles, which exceeds the figure of 2022 by 118%
In the course of enforcement of decisions on cases of administrative offenses, fines worth more than 25 million rubles were collected.
With regard to the direction of customs control after the release of goods, last year the units of the service carried out 205 inspections. It increased from 40 to 48, the efficiency amounted to 98%, and there were no violations of the deadlines
As a result of control after the release of goods, customs payments, penalties and fines totaling 145 million rubles were added, of which 44.4 million rubles were recovered, the recovery rate amounted to 31%
In 2023, the activities of human resources departments of the North Ossetian Customs focused on the implementation of measures aimed at preserving and strengthening human resources potential, improving professional training of personnel, combating corruption, strengthening official discipline
For the period from 2022 to 2023 there was a significant increase in the customs staff – by 267 units
As of today, the staffing level of the North Ossetian Customs is 89.9%. 54 candidates have already been appointed for the total additional number of officers in the 4th quarter
For 2023, 107 official checks were conducted in the customs. Based on the results of the official inspections, 123 disciplinary penalties have been announced to officials.
A total of 54 candidates have already been appointed.
During the meeting, 123 disciplinary penalties have been announced to officials
In the course of the meeting, the speakers voiced the facts characterizing the successful activity of the North Ossetian Customs, as well as identified problematic issues and set tasks for 2024
At the end of the meeting, the head of the North Caucasus Customs Directorate Albert Mavlikov thanked all the staff for their work: “Despite all the difficulties and problems faced by the staff of the North Ossetian Customs, in general, the work is carried out at a high professional level, as evidenced by departmental awards to distinguished officials, as well as the recognition of MACP Verkhny Lars North Ossetian Customs – the winner of the competition “The best staff of the customs post in the road station