The Kemerovo customs 100% of transit declarations was automatically
The Kemerovo customs 100% of transit declarations was automatically
The participants of foreign economic activity (FEA) in the region of Kemerovo customs successfully apply the technology of automatic registration of electronic transit declarations, while saving not only time.
The system of automatic registration of declarations began its work in October 2019. In a very short time, and effectiveness were able to see almost all the traders. For example, in February completed the programme 87.3% of the customs declarations. In March 90, 9%. And in April 100% of transit declarations are registered automatically.
Filing of transit declarations in electronic form allows to minimize the time costs. If the customs inspector with the registration of transit declarations up to one hour, then the automatic registration of such declarations takes a few seconds.
– The participants of foreign economic activities, it is important to act strictly in accordance with the requirements established by Decision of the Customs Union Commission of 18 June 2010 № 289 “On the form and procedure for filling the transit Declaration”, – said Vadim Yegorov, head of Department of customs procedures and customs control of the Kemerovo customs. – It is necessary for a successful automatic check and ensure that the declarant of the completeness and correctness of the information stated in most of the transit Declaration.
Lyudmila Shilova,
press Secretary of the Kemerovo customs