Tatarstan customs officers stop illegal export of medical masks
Tatarstan customs officers stop illegal export of medical masks
2915 medical masks and 3080 kamalanayana for filling the root of the teeth discovered by officials of the customs post Airport Kazan Tatarstan customs during customs control of passengers departing flight “Kazan-Dushanbe”. The product was in the accompanied baggage of a citizen of Tajikistan, held the customs control “green” corridor, thereby declared that he had no goods subject to mandatory customs Declaration.
According to 41-year-old male, a box of masks and endodontycznie tools belong not to him but to his friend, who asked me to give them to my brother in Dushanbe. Taking the responsibility of the carrier, the man asked the customs regulations in force in the territory of the Eurasian economic Union.
The nature and quantity of the goods did not allow the customs authority in the manner specified in clause 4 of article 256 customs code of the EAEU, to carry medical masks and kangalanatolian for goods for personal use. Their movement across the customs border shall be performed in accordance with the procedure established by Union law. The actions of the citizen of Tajikistan who do not fulfill the obligation of the declarant in the customs Declaration of goods transported across the customs border, there are signs of an administrative offence responsibility for which is provided part 1 of article 16.2 of the administrative code. The product that is the subject of the violation, withdrawn and directed for examination to determine market value.
Valentine Skorlygina,
the press Secretary of Tatarstan customs