“Sanctions” pears instead of rubber
“Sanctions” pears instead of rubber
In the Smolensk region attempted to smuggle a consignment of pears under the form of technical rubber.
Vehicle officials of the Department to control the importation and trafficking of goods Smolensk customs has detained in the area of the settlement Kirovka pochinkovskogo district of Smolensk region. According to driver documents from Belarus to Russia in the Kaluga address of the firm imported technical rubber for production of tires, but upon inspection of the cargo compartment of the vehicle there were pears with a total weight of about 20 tons.
The marking on the container indicates that the country of origin of pear in the Netherlands. Their importation is banned in Russia, – said the chief of the customs control after release of goods the customs Dmitry Vasyukov.
Smolensk customs considers a question on excitation against the carrier of the case on administrative offense under article 16.3 of the administrative code of Russia (violation of the prohibitions and restrictions when importing goods in Russia). It is threatened by punishment in the form of a fine, the limit size of which is 300 thousand rubles. In accordance with the current legislation, goods are subject to destruction.
It should be noted that pears were transported not only without documents confirming their phytosanitary safety, but also in violation of the temperature regime in the tilt trailer that given the sub-zero temperatures leads to a deterioration in the quality of our products and could harm the health of the consumer.
Vladimir Safonov,
press Secretary of the Smolensk customs