Results of foreign trade in the region of SZTU for the first half of 2020
Foreign trade turnover in the region of SZTU for January – June 2020 compared with the same period last year decreased by 13.5% and amounted to 27 billion 457 million U.S. dollars. The volume of exports amounted to 8 billion 568 million U.S. dollars, imports of 18 billion 889 million US dollars. Exports decreased by 21.6 percent and imports by 9.3%. The ratio of exports and imports in the trade turnover amounted to 31:69.
In the first half of 2020 was carried out trade with 200 countries of the world (in the same period of 2019 – with 193 countries). Major trading partners: China (18.7%), Germany (6,8%), Finland (5,1%).
The number of partner countries in the export of SZTU – 168. The basic countries–contractors in the export: Finland (9,4%), China (8.7 per cent), Netherlands (7.9 percent).
In exports the share of metals and products from them is 27.7%, chemical production – 27,7%, wood, pulp and paper products is 22.5%.
The number of partner countries in imports SZTU – 175. The basic countries–partners in import: China (23,2%), Germany (8,1%), United States (4.9 per cent). In import the share of machinery, equipment and vehicles, approximately 39.4%, food products – 20,5%, chemical products – 18,5%.
The number of subjects of foreign economic activity (FEA) in January – June 2020 compared with the same period last year decreased by 2.6% and amounted to 15 275 traders. Exported goods 3 893 traders (+0,6%), imported – 12668 traders (-3,4%).