Pskov customs: on the redistribution of quotas on licenses FSTEK Russia and putting them on the control

On March 6, 2020, the competence for registration of customs declarations in respect of goods declared with the submission of the license of the Federal service for technical and export control (FSTEC) of Russia and resolutions of the Commission on export control of the Russian Federation, as well as the goods moved in one commodity party with such goods transferred to e-customs and electronic Declaration.

Participants of foreign trade activities it is necessary to take measures in advance for the redistribution of quota licenses in the centers of electronic Declaration.

In connection with the introduction of restrictive measures to combat the spread of coronavirus infections on the territory of the Russian Federation for the period of quarantine and until further notice be received by the customs authorities of the statements on statement on the control of licenses FSTEK Russia and the direction of the applicant certified by the customs authority copies of the front side of the original licenses by electronic means using the Internet.

To the owner of the license documents electronically, including a scanned copy of the original license of FSTEC of Russia, should be readable, i.e. all signatures, inscriptions, seals should be discernible.

In case of conformity of information in submitted copy of the license, the customs authority carries out production licenses to control and directs the scanned copies certified by the customs authority, copies of licenses FSTEK Russia e-mail address of the applicant, if the correspondence was indicated in his statement about the production of the license for the control.

In the absence of the license information in the software tool, and, if a copy of the license does not allow to distinguish the inscription, signature, seal, the customs body shall refuse to license control and sends a message to the applicant stating the reasons for the refusal.

After the license of FSTEC of Russia on control received from the customs authority a copy of the license shall be submitted during customs Declaration of goods by placing them in the electronic archive of the declarant and the arrival (departure) of goods from and to customs(Oh) the territory(AI) of the Eurasian economic Union.

Natalia Knyazeva,
press Secretary of the Pskov customs