More than 220 thousand rubles of fines appointed Magadan customs violators of the law in the 1st quarter of 2020

More than 220 thousand rubles of fines appointed Magadan customs violators of the law in the 1st quarter of 2020

Fines 222,3 thousand rubles was appointed Magadan customs in the 1st quarter 2020 for administrative offenses. The main subjects of the offences were cars illegally crossing the border of the special economic zone in the Magadan region.

From the beginning of 2020, the Magadan customs has opened 42 cases of administrative offences. The number of violations on a par with the 1st quarter 2019 – 41 case. This marked increase in the number of violations “contrebandiers” articles (non-Declaration) – 13 cases in the year 2020, 8 cases in 2019. In addition to passenger cars across the border a special economic zone tried to move consumer goods. The majority of violations (27 cases) were identified by employees of the customs post Sea port of Magadan.

In the 1st quarter of 2020 criminal proceedings had been instituted, while the Magadan customs found 3 facts of evasion from payment of customs duties for the Declaration of equipment and repairs of ships abroad amounting to more than 30.7 million rubles. Currently, payments collected, and levied a penalty of more than 4 million rubles. Considered a question on excitation of criminal cases.


Elena Chotowa,

press Secretary of the Magadan customs,

8(4132) 638-559