More than 10 thousand goods declarations in the Smolensk customs issued without participation of the inspector
In the Smolensk customs in the first quarter of 2020 decorated 43.5 thousand goods declarations, including 5,2 thousand for export. Of them automatically was 4.9 thousand declarations for the exported goods and more than 27.2 thousand declarations on imported goods, in the automatic mode is released for export of 2.5 million returns and more than 7,8 thousand declarations for imported goods.
The share of declarations was without the participation of inspectors has grown compared with the same period last year, exports from 80,46% to 94.16%, import – from 38.56% to 71,23% (increased in 1.85 times).
The share is automatically issued electronic declarations submitted by traders to the low level of risk has also increased. For exported goods – from 64.37% to of 80.12% and on imported – from 33.98% to 61,96% (an increase of 1.82 times).
– One of the advantages of this technology is the reduction of time of customs operations. The automatic registration of electronic Declaration varies from 1 to 2 minutes, and the automatic release of a Declaration occurs, on average 3-5 minutes, – said the head of customs Vladislav Easy.
He stressed that apart from this fall and corruption risks in the work because there is no human factor in the decision to release the goods.
It should be noted that for further optimization of the process Declaration in the framework of the reform of the customs bodies of the Russian Federation this year is scheduled to complete development of an integrated network of e-customs and the centers of electronic Declaration (CED). There will be a total of 8 e-customs, and the Declaration will be concentrated in 16 centres.
This will improve the quality of customs administration and will lead to a further reduction of terms of customs clearance, which will create all conditions for convenient work of a conscientious and law-abiding traders.
In the Central customs Directorate Central electronic customs (TSELT) established on 20 February 2020. During the phasing of its formation continues to establish a Central center for electronic Declaration and translation customs of the region in the format of the customs actual control.
Chief state customs inspector
public relations V. L. Safonov