Orlovsky customs office actively encourages the use of electronic services
Due to the complex epidemiological situation, the Kursk customs recommends that the participants of foreign economic activity and citizens of the Orel region actively use modern technology and the available means of communication not involving direct contact with customs officials and customs office of Orlovsky.
The attention of participants of foreign economic activities of the potential use of the resource “Personal Cabinet of the participant of foreign trade activities” on the website of the Federal customs service. Information services provide opportunities for the formation of electronic documents and for their submission to the customs authorities for the storage of electronic documents, completing forms, statistical reporting, etc.
To public service in advising on customs matters and other issues within the competence of the customs authorities, individuals and traders can contact in the legal Department of the Kursk customs by phone: 8 (4712) 52-07-54, 52-08-42 or email: kursk-pravo@ctu.customs.ru
Temporarily restricted personal reception of citizens and representatives of organizations the leadership of the customs and Orlovsky customs post.
In custom you can apply in writing. Address for referral letters: 305004, Kursk, street 3A. Appeals in electronic form to send to the email address of the Department of documentation ensuring: Kursk_customs@ctu.customs.ru.
In the Orel customs post clarification on specific issues related to the customs procedures can be obtained by an appeal in writing to the following address: 302005, the Oryol region., Orel, Karachev highway, d. 77 or e-mail address: kur-orl-post@ctu.customs.ru.
Also of interest to citizens and traders have the opportunity to ask questions by phone:
– registration of international mail, the receiving TCP, the temporary import of vehicles – 8(4862) 73-30-76;
– submission of statistical forms of the account of movement of goods – 8 (4862) 72-08-12.
– the Commission of customs operations with the goods – 8 (4862) 72-62-16.
While working Orlowski customs office from Monday to Friday from 9.00 to 18.00.
Sergey Bryantsev,
press Secretary of the Kursk customs