Central Customs Administration
On May 15, a webinar will be held on the topic: “Provision of the state service on taking preliminary decisions on the classification of goods in accordance with the HS of the EAEU. The main reasons for refusals to consider and refusals to make preliminary decisions. Application of preliminary decisions in customs declaration”
Published: May 13, 2024 09:00
On May 15, 2024 at 11:00 a.m. live on the official page “Webinars of the FCS of Russia” in Vkontakte there will be a webinar on the topic: “Provision of state service on taking preliminary decisions on the classification of goods in accordance with the HS of the EAEU. The main reasons for refusals to consider and refusals to take preliminary decisions. Application of preliminary decisions in customs declaration”
The webinar will be conducted by Dmitry Gorbatovsky, Head of the Department for preliminary decisions on the classification of goods of the Federal Customs Revenue Service of the Department.
The webinar will be conducted by Dmitry Gorbatovsky, Head of the Department for preliminary decisions on the classification of goods of the Federal Customs Revenue Service
The webinar will consider the reasons for refusals to consider applications and refusals to make preliminary decisions. Application of preliminary decisions in the customs declaration of goods. Possibilities and advantages of submitting an application and receiving a preliminary decision on the classification of goods in the form of an electronic document
At the end of the meeting, a representative of the Central Customs Administration will answer questions on the topic of the webinar. Questions for the webinar within the stated topic can be sent to NagibinaYaN@ctu.customs.gov.ru.