Karelian customs initiated a criminal case on abuse of office a customs officer
Karelian customs initiated a criminal case on abuse of office a customs officer
According to the materials of Department of counteraction of corruption of the customs of the Karelian and Karelian transport Prosecutor of the Murmansk investigative Department on transport of Severo-the Western investigatory management on transport of Investigatory Committee of the Russian Federation initiated a criminal case against the Deputy head (replacement) of the customs post MAPP of Lotta Karelian customs on signs of the crime provided by part 1 of article 286 of the Criminal Code of Russian Federation (excess of powers of office).
According to investigators, the main state customs inspector, acting at the time as Deputy head (replacement) of the customs post MAPP Lotta of the Karelian customs, grossly violated the requirements of the official rules. This official without the relevant request and the documents attached thereto, and without actual inspection of the vehicle, assisting his friend the participant of foreign economic activity, adopted a decision on prolongation of term of temporary import of vehicles of international transportation on the territory of the Russian Federation, thus exceeding his authority.
Currently under investigations aimed at establishing the circumstances and causes and conditions that contributed to the Commission of the crime. The criminal investigation continues.
Nikolai Fomin,
the press-Secretary of Karelian customs