From February 1, changing the form and order of filling in passenger customs Declaration
February 1 2020 will apply to the new form of the passenger customs Declaration, form and manner of filling which are determined by Decision of Board of the Euroasian economic Commission from 23.07.2019 No. 124 “On the customs Declaration of goods for personal use”.
The form of the passenger customs Declaration in the form of a paper document can be printed using the printers on a single sheet of A4 paper (210 x 296 mm) with two sides.
The passenger customs Declaration in the form of a paper document is filled in 2 copies (one copy is for the customs authority, the other for the declarant) except in the cases of customs declaring of:
auto and motor transport for personal use in the case that after the release of such vehicles in accordance with the legislation provided for the granting to the declarant of the document issued by the customs authority;
– imported into the customs territory goods for personal use are not subject to customs Declaration in case the customs Declaration of such goods at the request of a natural person.
Information about cash and (or) traveler’s checks transported more than 10 000 US dollars (equivalent) shall be declared by the declarant in the Annex to the passenger customs Declaration.
All columns fields and rows of the passenger customs Declaration and annexes thereto (except for the field “company marks”) are filled by the declarant or on behalf of the customs representative. Field “in this space” is filled by an official of the customs authority.
The passenger customs Declaration in the form of a paper document is filled in legibly by hand or with the use of printing devices.
More details of the Decision of the Board Eurasian economic Commission of 23.07.2019 No. 124 and order fill out a new form of the passenger customs Declaration can be found on the official websites of the Federal customs service of the Russian Federation and the Eurasian economic Commission
The new form of the passenger customs Declaration can be printed on the website of the Central customs administration.