Almost one and a half times increased foreign trade turnover in the region of Blagoveshchensk customs
Almost one and a half times increased foreign trade turnover in the region of Blagoveshchensk customs
3 months 2020 foreign trade turnover in the region of Blagoveshchensk customs was 99,5 million dollars. During the same period of 2019 , this amounted to 64.4 million dollars.
In the first quarter of 2020 customs posts of Blagoveshchensk customs has issued more than 92 thousand tons of cargo. The total value of shipments amounted to 99.5 million dollars. USA. In foreign trade in the region of responsibility of Blagoveshchensk customs was attended by 246 legal entities and individual entrepreneurs 26.
Exported products in 8 countries: China, USA, Germany, Austria, Japan, Korea, Vietnam and Thailand. The main trading partner has traditionally been China. In total turnover of trade with China is more than 50%.
In the structure of exports of the main products in value terms, steel, food products and agricultural raw materials (86% of the total), machinery, equipment and vehicles (5%), textiles, textile products and footwear (4%).
Imports were supplied mainly from China, Korea, Germany, Belgium and Romania. In the structure of import the main products in value terms, steel machinery, equipment and vehicles (80% of the total), food products and agricultural raw materials (11%), metals and articles thereof (6%).
Drachev Ivan,
a press-the Secretary of the Blagoveshchensk customs,
8 (4162) 236279