3.4 billion to the state budget customs payments by results of work of the Voronezh customs in the 1st quarter of 2020
3.4 billion to the state budget customs payments by results of work of the Voronezh customs in the 1st quarter of 2020
Compared to the results of work of the Voronezh customs in the same period of 2019 in January – March of this sum arrived in the Federal budget of Russia of customs duties increased by 8% and amounted to today, 3 billion 410 million 780 thousand rubles.
At the moment all the participants of foreign economic activity of the Voronezh and Tambov regions has mastered the system of centralized accounting of funds on the personal account of the payer of customs duties, which significantly accelerates and simplifies the interaction of business with the customs authorities.
“This system has a number of advantages, the main of which deposited funds can be used in any customs authority, and all information on their movement in real time is available to traders in the personal Cabinet”, – says head of Department of customs payments Khlopovskikh Elena.
Department of customs payments of the Voronezh customs: (473) 277-89-83
The main state
customs inspector
public relations
Voronezh customs
Elena Razinkova