Vyborg customs: February 1, 2020 a new form of the passenger customs Declaration
Vyborg customs: February 1, 2020 a new form of the passenger customs Declaration
Vyborg customs reminds that as of 1 February 2020 in accordance with the Decision of the Board Eurasian economic Commission of 23 July 2019 No. 124 “On the customs Declaration of goods for personal use” changes in the form of the passenger customs Declaration, procedure of filling of the passenger customs Declaration and customs operations related to the change (addition) of the information stated in the passenger customs Declaration.
New forms of passenger customs declarations (PDD), as well as the procedure for filling available on the official website of FCS of the Russian Federation to: http://customs.ru/fiz/elektronnyj-blank-passazhirskoj-tamozhennoj-deklaraczii. For convenience and time-saving form can be downloaded and filled out in advance. Print form passenger customs Declaration is carried out on both the front and back of a sheet of A4.
Print new driver will appear February 1, 2020 in the information zones in all customs offices, located at checkpoints across the state border of the Russian Federation.
Natalia Finogina,
press Secretary of the Vyborg customs