The specialists of the Siberian customs Department online discussed the use of a single accounts
The specialists of the Siberian customs Department online discussed the use of a single accounts
The Siberian customs office (STU) and the Siberian Institute of management – branch of Ranepa held a webinar on topical issues of foreign economic activity, which was attended by over 80 people.
The webinar was attended by Deputy head of STU – the chief of service of Federal customs incomes Dmitry Kalyanov, representatives of the control Department electronic payment of STU and Dean of the faculty of Economics and Finance, Siberian Institute of management – branch of Ranepa, Ph. D., associate Professor Dmitry Kunitsyn.
The participants noted that under the new conditions because of the pandemic coronavirus infection has been a significant change in the scope and structure of foreign trade. However, there are positive developments in the development of the customs administration, which will facilitate the activities of law-abiding participants of foreign economic activity (FEA).
During the webinar presentations from STU was made by the Deputy chief of Department of control of electronic payments (OCAP) STU Tatyana Averyanov, chief of the state customs inspectors of OCAP STU Ekaterina Protopopova and Elena Parasco. They told about the use of single accounts (ELS) payers of customs and other payments, the practice of implementation of debiting the goods declarations through the resource ELS, as well as the procedure of refund, and the causes of failure in the consideration of applications of participants of foreign economic activity.
Presentations received a lively response from the audience, who actively directed their questions online. They were given detailed answers and explanations.
According to the results of the webinar, it was decided to continue the practice of holding webinars on current topics, stated directly by the traders.
Department of public relations of STU