The Sochi customs officers prevented illegal import to Russia of night vision devices
The Sochi customs officers prevented illegal import to Russia of night vision devices
Illegal import to Russia of five optical night-vision goggles PNV-10T prevented the Sochi customs.
Travel bag, in which were night-vision devices in covers camouflage colors, the customs officers found on the MAPP Adler Sochi customs in the inspection of personal belongings in the trunk of the car ZAZ Chance, who arrived from the Republic of Abkhazia.
Found devices have no civilian application and are expected to apply to military products. Their free sale is prohibited.
The driver, 43-year-old resident of Saratov, said that is not the owner of night vision devices and what was planned to transfer them to another person.
The goods seized and sent to customs examination. The investigation is being conducted.