The chief of the Central customs administration with a working visit to the Smolensk customs
January 31, 2020, the Central customs administration head, Sergey Rybkin visited Smolensk customs office and held a meeting on which were summed up the work of the team in 2019, and indicated priorities for 2020-th year.
The meeting was also attended by chief Federal inspector
in the Smolensk region of the Plenipotentiary representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Central Federal district Yuriy Strilets, Deputy Governor of Smolensk region – head of Department of property and land relations of Smolensk region Alexey Gusev, Smolensky transport Prosecutor Pavel Kozachenko, heads of law enforcement and regulatory authorities in the region, the heads and officials of the Smolensk customs.
A report on the results of activity of customs in 2019 was made by the chief customs Vladislav Easy.
He noted that in 2019 there is a growth in almost all indicators. Customs posts and more than 205 thousand goods declarations, including 27.1 thousand for export, which is 1.8% more than in 2018.
The Federal budget received more than 178 billion rubles, which is 17 billion rubles, or 10% more than in 2018. By this indicator among the customs of the Central customs administration of the Smolensk customs office is in the first place.
In 2019 in the region of Smolensk customs has implemented the customs Declaration 5079 participants of foreign economic activity. The increase in comparison with 2018 3%). 91% of traders were imported goods. Foreign trade turnover amounted to over $ 11.9 billion. USA.
Over the years successfully worked on the protection of intellectual property rights. The control was exercised about 165 thousand declarations containing objects of intellectual property. Revealed more than 100 thousand units of counterfeit products.
One of the important directions of customs policy at the present stage is a shift customs control to the stage after release of goods.
In the framework of customs control after release of goods in 2019 71 conducted a verification event, including 29 of the customs inspections. According to the results of verification activities assessed additional customs duties, penalties and fines of more than 288,5 mln. Lousisana more 249,3 million rubles By results of the conducted customs audits initiated 71 cases of AP and 4 criminal cases.
Along with the creation of comfortable conditions for bona fide participants of foreign economic activity is important for customs officers left to fight against customs violations and crimes committed during the movement of goods.
Just 2019 Smolensk customs was
76 reports about the discovery of evidence of crime. They are 22 the materials of the criminal cases instituted by customs (in the same period last year – 9), 44 material sent by territorial jurisdiction.
The revealed crimes connected with evasion from payment of customs duties, from duties on repatriation of funds, and smuggling of psychotropic and potent substances that are strategically important resources, military equipment, equipment that can be used to create weapons of mass destruction, tobacco products, etc.
The amount of evasion from payment of customs duties in criminal cases amounted to about 79.1 million RUB, the amount of the unreturned funds related to the facts of evasion from execution of duties for the repatriation of funds in large and especially large sizes, made 525,5 million rubles were withdrawn From illegal circulation 538,28 grams of hard substances and 21.2 grams of psychotropic drugs.
In the course of administrative proceedings for 2019 2946 filed cases on administrative offenses. 2703 made the decision about appointment of administrative punishment in the amount of more than 696 million.
Summed up the results of the meeting, the Central customs administration head, Sergey Rybkin. He noted that currently the Federal customs service is a large-scale customs reform. Already, the country has 12 of the 16 specialized Centers of electronic Declaration and 4 of 8 e-customs, which is concentrated making more than 66 % of all returns produced by the FCS of Russia.
– This year on the basis of Control will create a Central electronic customs with CED. Now under active preparatory work with staff and business, – said Sergey Valentinovich.
He noted that at the end of this year will have reorganization and Smolensk customs. It will be the customs actual control. It is planned that it will comprise part of the units and customs posts of the Tver customs.
In this regard, all divisions of customs should be prepared for such changes, both from professional and technical point of view, – said Sergey Rybkin.
At the end of the meeting the head of TSTU Sergey Rybkin expressed gratitude to staff and presented departmental awards and diplomas for the conscientious performance of duties and achievement of high indicators of outstanding employees and wished his colleagues successful further service.
Vladimir Safonov,
Press Secretary of the Smolensk customs