Siberian customs administration: from July 1, Russia introduced mandatory labeling of medicines, shoes, and tobacco products

16 Jun



Shoes. Affiliate webinar Outline “Marking Shoe: what you need to do to start”


Anna Shipitsyna, Contour;

Aleksandr Dolgiev, senior business analyst, CRPT.

16 Jun



Farma. Webinar “Training registrars retirement”


*In the schedule on the website will be added June 5, 2020


16 Jun



Tobacco. Affiliate webinar ATOL “Marking of tobacco. Shipping
and acceptance by new rules”


Eugene Mackova, ATOL;

Alexander Krivonosov, CRPT.

The answers to the questions.



17 Jun



Shoes. “The timing of the marking Shoe goods. Mobile app Honest Sign as a tool of public control”

Speaker: Julia Guzieva.


What will happen if the mobile app CHZ – will reveal a disturbance in the store
in the warehouse, manufacturing?

What will happen if the owner of the goods has refused to label the remnants of the Commission? Can the Commission independently zamaskirovalis remains?

What are the consequences for trafficking of unmarked shoes from 1 July 2020?

Why can’t I through the national directory to GTIN for shoes?

We work on a Commission, how to return shoes
in the store?

The answers to the questions.


CA: wholesale and retail trade, manufacturers, importers, Commission agents.




17 Jun



Tobacco. Affiliate webinar Platform CRF “Marking of tobacco: key issues and solutions”



Dimitry Afanasiev, head of the Marking Platform to the CRF.

Alexander Krivonosov, expert product groups Tobacco, CRPT.


the procedure and timetable for the introduction of labeling of tobacco;

the basic requirements to retail stores, manufacturers, retail
and wholesale companies;

how to prepare a trade point tools for marking;

how is the acceptance and disposal of goods;

the instruction for correct data transfer in an Honest Sign;

fines and liability.


CA: wholesale and retail trade.


17 Jun



Shoes. “First steps for new participants in the turnover marked Shoe goods. Who will exercise control over not marked Shoe products from 1 July 2020.”

Speaker: Yana Yarovaya.


What to do if you have just started to produce/ import/ sell wholesale or retail of Shoe products? What should I do? First steps
in an Honest Sign.

What will happen if July 1, will be selling not marked shoes?

As through the EDO to carry out the shipment of the goods with the code of the shipping package?

As contractor to carry out the acceptance and reconciliation of the received KM?

The answers to the questions.


CA: retail stores, wholesale companies, manufacturers, importers, Commission agents.




18 Jun



 Shoes, Legprom. Conference “Urgent measures in supply chain management”, session on marking for logistic companies
and importers.

10:15 – 12:20 Session “Marking”.

Labeling for the participants of the supply chain.

Speaker: Aleksandr Dolgiev, senior business analyst, CRPT.

Manage internal project of implementation of labelling: key questions, challenges and approaches.

Speaker: Dmitry Ivanov, head of projects, Zenden.

Round table “the current situation is reflected in the product labeling”

Dmitry Ivanov, head of projects, Zenden;

Andrey Gorbatov, Executive Director, F. S. Mackenzie

18 Jun



Tobacco. An hour with an expert “Advice on working with EDO, during the submission of information about turnover marked tobacco products”

Speaker: Alexander Krivonosov, expert product groups Tobacco, CRPT.

The answers to the questions.



18 Jun



First steps for new participants in the turnover marked Shoe goods. Who will oversee the unmarked Shoe products from 1 July 2020. Rules of work with EDO”

Speaker: Yarovaya Yana.


What to do if you have just started to produce/ import/ sell wholesale or retail of Shoe products that needs to be done? The first steps in a Fair Sign.

What will happen if July 1, will be selling not marked with shoes?

As through the EDO to carry out the shipment of the goods with the code of the shipping package? As the counterparty to receive goods, and reconcile the resulting Know?

The answers to the questions.


CA: wholesale and retail trade, manufacturers, importers, Commission agents.



19 Jun



Tobacco. Affiliate webinar Cleveren “Webinar from the experts. Labelling of tobacco”



Oleg pochepskaya, business analyst marking “Leverans”;

Alexander Buchnov, a leading analyst, “Leverans”;

Alexander Krivonosov, expert TG “Tobacco”, CRPT.

The answers to the questions.

CA: distributors, subdistributors, sales representatives.


19 Jun



Shoes. Affiliate webinar ATOL “Marking in light industry. Time 2 weeks”



Eugene Mackova, ATOL;

Aleksandr Dolgiev (CBT).


what is the marking – about legal nuances in plain words;

time set aside to test run the process of product labeling;

the procedure of registration in the system Honest SIGN – step by step instructions;

the procedure of registration in the GS1 RUS and receiving GTIN;

the procedure for obtaining a code marking;

the stages of preparation of hardware and software solutions ATOL for the different types of business tips.



19 Jun



Tobacco. Nizhny Novgorod. The marking of products from July 1, 2020. Marking and tracing of tobacco products. Webinar with the participation of the speaker from an Honest Sign.



Alexander Krivonosov – logistics expert, TG Tobacco, CRPT;

Cyril Sutyrin is head of the technical support of the civil Harmony;

Adelaide Alekseeva, head of the maintenance Department of the CCP CC Lad.


the goals and objectives of the Labelling system;

the normative framework for the Marking system;

the model of functioning of the Marking system;

stages of introduction of mandatory labeling;

penalties for non-compliance;

requirements to the organisations of wholesale and retail trade;

what you need to connect to the marking system;

electronic document management for marking shoes. (examples of VLSI CRF CRF Platform);

solutions with marked shoes for Cass Motor, ATOL, Drimys
and other control equipment;

working with marked shoes Eurocity programs (examples 1C, Motor, VLSI.Retail).

possible sites of “resident Card”, business for wholesalers
and retail trade.

The answers to the questions.


22 Jun



Shoes. Webinar “Labelling of footwear and consumer goods: rules, instructions, features of sales”


Dimitry Afanasiev, head of the Marking Platform to the CRF.

Aleksandr Dolgiev, senior business analyst, CRPT.


sales and transfer of data in an Honest sign;

requirements for manufacturers, importers, wholesale and retail sellers;

instructions for the preparation outlets;

monitoring and validation of the sending of receipts in CRPT;

how is the marking residuals.

podarochnaja acceptance and re-marking;

fines and liability.

CA: all the participants of the turnover of goods.


23 Jun



Tobacco “Hour with an expert”

Speaker: Alexander Krivonosov.

The answers to the questions.



23 Jun



Shoes “cross-border trade on the example of Belarus. Mandatory submission of information about shipments, in FS, what happens if you do not apply? What to do if you have any questions, where to learn to operate the system?”

Speaker: Julia Guzieva


What to do if you have any technical issues in working with the marking system, how to learn to operate the system (how to label, ship, sell)?

Where training for working with an Honest Sign?

What happens if the Grower will not sell branded Shoe products?

What will happen if July 1 I have on the shelves in the store will not be marked shoes?

What if I bought is not labeled shoes abroad before 1 July 2020, and it will come to Russia in July 2020?

The answers to the questions.

Will the postponement of mandatory labeling of footwear in connection
with a coronavirus in Russia and Europe?

What are the exceptions to the labeling of the Shoe is that it is necessary to mark,
and what is not?

Sewing shoes to order, exporting, Handicrafts, and boots?

Profits from the sale marked shoes. The use of symbols of the Fair Sign in the design of the outlet. What benefits will I receive?

TSA: Manufacturers, importers, wholesalers, retail stores.



24 Jun


Shoes “exceptions to the rule of mandatory labeling of footwear products. Rules for retail sales the marked shoes. What kind of shoes fall under mandatory labeling”

Speaker: Aleksandr Dolgiev.


What will happen if do not scan the bulleted items at the checkout before July 1 after July 1. What to do with a marked product that was sold,
but not scanned at the checkout?

What will happen if you sell labeled shoes from a warehouse and on store shelves to demonstrate the marked samples?

Is it possible to stick the label at the point of sale?

Is there a particular marking shoes, used (ski and snowboard boots)?

What is the procedure for marking the b/u of the Shoe, which is imported from abroad?

Rules of calculation and payment codes marking.

The answers to the questions.


CA: Retail stores, wholesale companies, manufacturers, importers, Commission agents.
