Samara customs office has transferred the confiscated corals Kaliningrad Museum of the World ocean
Samara customs office has transferred the confiscated corals Kaliningrad Museum of the World ocean
13 Jan 2020 was held gratuitous transfer of objects of the fauna, converted into Federal property. Corals were seized in February last year at the International airport “Kurumoch”.
The story began a year ago. In the course of customs control of arriving flight “Dubai-Samara” the citizen of the Russian Federation was discovered 3 coral.
According to the expert opinion of 27 February 2019, the study objects were identified as corals (calcareous (calcified) the skeletons of marine polyps) group MD (Madreporaria, Scleractinia) belonging to the class of Coral polyps (Anthozoa), subclass Hexacorallia corals (Hexacoralla), named in the List of species of animals and plants under the Convention on international trade in endangered species of wild flora and fauna threatened of extinction (CITES) and the decisions of the Board of the Eurasian economic Commission. On the basis of the above legal acts of the Russian citizen was obliged to show a special permit for the importation of coral, which she was not.
In June 2019, the magistrate Krasnoglinskiy district, G. O. Samara issued a decision on the confiscation of corals, thereby drawing them into Federal property. In December 2019, in accordance with the decree of the Federal customs service, the decision was made on gratuitous transfer of objects of fauna of the Federal state budget institution of culture “Museum of the World ocean” of the city of Kaliningrad.
Chief curator FGBUK “Museum of the World ocean” Latysheva Oksana Yurievna: “for a Long time the Museum of the World ocean has been fruitfully cooperating with the Federal customs service. Transferred gratuitously to the Museum values received in the collection of the Museum Fund are reviewed, are published in exhibitions, expositions, publications, and are used in scientific and educational activities of the Museum.”
Alexander Patrikeev
acting press Secretary of the Samara customs