On drugs, tobacco and shoes from 1 July introduced a mandatory labeling
On drugs, tobacco and shoes from 1 July introduced a mandatory labeling
On the basis of resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation from July 1, 2020 introduced a mandatory labelling means the identification of the following goods when imported into the customs territory of the EAEU:
and footwear products (Decree of the RF Government dated 05.07.2019 No. 860);
– tobacco products (Decree of the RF Government dated 28.02.2019 N 224);
medicinal products for medical applications (Decree of the RF Government dated 14.12.2018 N 1557).
At the same time, the Customs code of the Eurasian economic Union (article 158) provides for the possibility of operations for labelling of products when they are placed under the customs procedure of customs warehouse.
In this regard, any concerned legal entity may apply to the customs in the region of where you are actually located premises and (or) open areas intended for use as a customs warehouse, for inclusion in the register of owners of customs warehouses.
Conditions include a legal entity in the register of owners of customs warehouses and the list of documents necessary for granting of the state service of maintaining the register of owners of customs warehouses, determined by the provisions of article 417 of the Customs code of the Eurasian economic Union and the order of the FCS of Russia from 13.05.2019 No. 777.
The office of public relations
North-Caucasus customs Department