More than 9 million rubles illegally brought abroad Kamchatka firm

More than 9 million rubles illegally brought abroad Kamchatka firm

Kamchatka customs found a company that illegally transferred to China more than 9 million rubles. For violation of currency legislation of the Kamchatka customs office opened a case on an administrative offence. The company will pay a large fine.

Kamchatka, the company concluded a foreign trade contract with a Chinese firm for the supply of cement and reinforcement. On account of future supplies of Kamchatka the company moved to China, 283 thousand U.S. dollars (in recalculation – about 18.2 million). Of the building materials were imported to Russia. The remaining goods worth 9,2 million rubles within the contract period and was not imported.

As explained by the Deputy chief of customs Vladimir Kamenetsky, in accordance with the currency legislation the company had to take all measures for the return to Russia of advance payments transferred for goods that were not imported. Kamchatka firm this obligation is not fulfilled. The organization’s leadership did not take any action for the return of currency from abroad.

In relation to local firms Kamchatka customs filed a case on an administrative offense under part 5 of article 15.25 KoAP Of Russia. (“Non-resident within the established period duties on return to the Russian Federation the money paid to non-residents for not imported to the Russian Federation the goods”).


In 2019, the Kamchatka customs office revealed violations of currency legislation for a total amount of more than 118 million rubles. Imposed fines worth 86 million rubles.

Tatiana Lesina

press Secretary of the Kamchatka customs

phone: 8 (4152)218-919.