More than 43 billion rubles were transferred to the customs authorities of the Volga region since the beginning of the year
More than 43 billion rubles were transferred to the customs authorities of the Volga region since the beginning of the year
In April of this year the Volga customs administration has expanded the budget of the country for 10 billion roubles (10 mln. of 313.00). Of them is the Volga customs with electronic lists 754,08 9 million rubles.
In January-April 2020 the customs authorities of the Volga region transferred to the revenues of the Federal budget more than 43 billion rubles (43 million rubles. 940,65, January-April 2019 – 43 179,32 million rubles). Of them is the Volga customs with electronic lists 257,17 40 million rubles.
Department of public relations vocational school